Our son, Tanner, who is now 3 & 1/2 years old, first started having problems with feeding around 15 months old. It started with drooling & oral feeding difficulties. Soon after these began, he was diagnosed with dysphasia/swallowing difficulties & we were told that Vital stim therapy would be the best treatment for him.
We tried going thru our local children's hospital, but their wait was over a year long! I soon found Jenn Buck & am so thankful we did. She got us started very quickly & ALWAYS worked with our schedule (including an hour drive time to therapy). Within a few weeks, we went from having only a few foods in his repertoire to having a variety of foods he would actually eat! His dysphagia & drooling also improved dramatically with Vital stim therapy.
Jenn was always so patient & energetic. She is a pleasure to be around & truly cares for all her patients as if they were family. Anytime I have a question about other speech or feeding issues she is prompt to return my inquiries & always knows the answer. I am truly thankful
to have such an experienced speech & language pathologist in our lives! She has made my son's quality of life so much better with her knowledge, experience & sweet spirit!
-Gina B.